Autor: Lisa Steindl

Wollen Sie Recht haben oder glücklich sein?

Wenn wir im Konflikt sind, streiten wir oft nur um unsere eigene Position durchzusetzen. Dabei versuchen wir unsere eigenen Standpunkte anderen aufzuzwingen, oft nur um des Recht habens Willen.  Wenn der Fokus nur noch auf dem Gewinnen liegt, verpassen wir die Gelegenheit, konstruktive Lösungen zu generieren.

Das nächste Mal, wenn Sie sich in einer Situation befinden, in der Sie versuchen, eine andere Person von ihrem Standpunkt zu überzeugen, fragen Sie sich:

Was möchte ich wirklich? Welche Ziele verfolge ich? Was möchte die andere Person? Gehen Sie dabei nicht davon aus, dass Sie wissen was Ihr Gegenüber möchte und fragen Sie deshalb nach.

Religious accommodation and diversity in the training room

Is there a place for religious views in the training room?

Religion can be a touchy and contentious subject. A subject that can be defined in a myriad of ways and mean different things to different people. For some people their beliefs can transcend to influence and limit their career choice and for others it can heed no relevance. Diversity and Inclusion policies ensure that respect and accommodation of religious beliefs are upheld in the organisation, but is there a limitation to speaking openly about your beliefs in the training room?

In our experience, religious diversity brings a rich dynamic of different viewpoints and narratives to any training room. When free to explore the diverse viewpoints of all team members, we see teams optimizing their success by making the most of unique talents, experiences and backgrounds of their teams.

Instead of focusing on minimizing differences where religious viewpoints are not expressed we encourage the shift to strengthening, learning and valuing those differences to help teams achieve results. When all participants bring their ‘full self’ and feel that they can truly be part of a group and respected for who they are, they are more likely to feel more engaged and motivated promoting innovation and broader perspectives.

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When a Business Relationship Fails

Nobody sets out on a business venture with the desire to fail. However, it is broadly recognised that all businesses, regardless of their status carry a certain degree of risk and often see failure as a perquisite of success. You could argue that business is about intelligent risk taking.

Some global statistics show that over half of all businesses will fail after five years and, over 70% of business partnerships will ultimately fail. Yet, knowing this, many entrepreneurs neglect to anticipate it, which can result in things turning sour very quickly.

Here we have put together Five tips to help you amicably prevent and deal with partnership failure 

Preparation – Put it in the contract!
Every partnership should begin with a contract stating how they will manage disagreements and severance. Referring back to this precursor of agreed processes and pre-nup’s that will prevent potential hefty legal proceedings.

Talk about it – Define individual and mutual desired expectations and needs
Relating back to these expectations and needs at times of negotiation or decision making will ease the resolution process.

Collaboration over personal competition
Transparency and trust lay the foundation for every relationship. It is a lot easier when both mindsets are us vs the problem rather than me vs you. Having a culture of collaboration will always increase intellectual capital.

Third party intervention
At times of an impasse or when tensions run high, third party facilitation can help you move past the deadlock and assist in the resolution of underlining affective and cognitive issues.

Learn from it
Business is a process of making intelligent risks while striving for success and anticipating failure. If you’re going to fail; fail fast, fail forward and learn from it.

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Our Top Pick Personal Development Apps

Workplace stress has been described as the “global health epidemic of the 21st Century”. Today the ability to effectively manage stressful moments is an essential skill for all progressive and stressful workplaces. However, with the weight of busy schedules and full time jobs, personal development and self-care tasks tend to get pushed further down the priority list.

Managing stress is a skill that everyone has to develop. Fortunately, like for most things today; “there is an app for that”. Three apps that I personally find helpful for managing everyday stress and resilience are; Hi Moment, Happify and Headspace. All three are available on IOS, Android and desktop.

I chose these three, because they use cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) method which helps the user to modify thinking patterns and patterns of behaviour. These apps do this through positive and gamified repetition. The use of CBT in apps is proven to boost mental health and address depression and anxiety.

I didn’t have to go far to find the first app Hi Moment. HiMoment was developed by a team here in Austria with a philosophy that “happiness is like a muscle; it needs to be trained”. You can sync Hi Moments with your mobile or desktop so It gathers all your happy moments in once place. It keeps track of all information entered and sequentially builds a collection of your happiest topics. Using the push notification option you will receive daily tips and moments that help you achieve your goals and of course feel happier.

App number two is Happify. Happify is a science based brain-training app which helps users to modify old patterns of negative thoughts and measures the difference in their happiness, resilience and emotional wellbeing over time. I loved this app for its simplicity, activities and mostly because compared to the majority of other behavioural assessments, Happify focuses on the user’s positive characteristics rather than their negative.  
To get the best from this app and avail of any extra add on activities or games you are required to pay a monthly subscription fee.

The third app is Headspace. If you don’t use headspace already, I highly recommend that you get on board this cruise ship to optimal personal development. Putting aside 10 minutes of your day you will learn how to meditate with fun, guided sessions and animations. These mindfulness techniques will help you sail through the different areas and stresses of your life.

I invite you to try out my personal favourite apps that help me to better manage stress and resilience. I’d love to hear what apps help you manage the unavoidable stresses of today’s working life.

